- Press Show to call for conjugation of the verb that has been selected. Alternatively, go to
GRID to see all test verbs on a Form-Typology
grid with clickable cells.
- The Verb selection box above contains a set of 174 testing verbs.
- Together they cover the full conjugational diversity of triradical Arabic verbs.
- The verbs are ordered by complexity of conjugation: the list starts with the relatively easy Consonant
verbs of Forms I-X and continues with verbs of increasingly complex nature. By the end of the list
you will find the complex Doubly Weak and Mixed verbs.
- Every verb is shown with its UK verb and the Arabic perfectum/imperfectum verbal forms (3rd person masculine
singular), together with its root (R1,R2,R3), Form and Typology. The greater the sequence number the more
complex it gets.