
Additional Rules and Hamza table

Action Rule Description
Form VIII infix A1 Replace R1+infix tā' with R1+šadda if R1 in (tā' , ṯā' , dāl , ṭā' , ẓā).
Form VIII infix A2 Replace R1+infix tā' with dāl+šadda if R1 = ḏāl.
Form VIII infix A3 Replace infix tā' with dāl  if R1 = zāy.
Form VIII infix A4 Replace infix tā' with ṭā' if R1 in (ṣād, ḍād).
Form IX R3 J1 Separate double R3 with fatḥa if R3 has sukūn.
Form IX R3 J2 Separate double R3 with kasra if R3 has sukūn.
R2,R3 coincide C1 Let R2 and R3 coincide if both R1 and R3 have a vowel in the morpheme type.
R2,R3 coincide C2 Let R2, R3 coincide if R3 has a vowel in the morpheme type. R1 gets the R2 vowel if it has none.
aux.vowel C3 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel.
R1 dropped B1 Drop R1=wāw.
Form VIII infix B2 For R1=wāw replace R1+infix tā' with tā'-šadda and drop sukūn on R1
aux.vowel B3 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R2 has a vowel (R1=wāw).
iw >  ī B4 Replace auxiliary vowel i and R1=wāw with long vowel  ī, and drop sukūn on R1.
sukūn B5 Drop sukūn on R1.
uy > ū B6 Replace auxiliary vowel u and R1=yā' with long vowel ū, and drop sukūn on R1.
uy > ū B7 Replace prefix vowel u and R1=yā' with long vowel ū, and drop sukūn on R1.
aux.vowel B8 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel (R1=wāw).
R1> yā' B9 Change wāw to yā' and drop sukūn on R1.
R3 > yā' D1 Change R3=wāw to yā'.
R3 dropped D2 Drop R3 unless it has sukūn in the morph.type/is followed by ā/is part of iya or uwa.
aat > at D3 Replace fatḥa-fatḥa-tā' with fatḥa-tā'.
aa > ā D4 Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (mamdūda).
aa > ā D5 Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra).
uu > ū D6 Replace ḍamma-ḍamma with ḍamma-wāw.
aū > aw D7 Replace fatḥa-ḍamma-wāw with fatḥa-wāw.
uū > ū D8 Replace ḍamma-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw.
uī > ī D9 Replace ḍamma-kasra-yā' with kasra-yā'.
au > ā D10 Replace fatḥa-ḍamma with fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra).
aī > ay D11 Replace fatḥa-kasra-yā' with fatḥa-yā'.
iū > ū D12 Replace kasra-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw.
iī > ī D13 Replace kasra-kasra-yā' with kasra-yā'.
iu >  ī D14 Replace kasra-ḍamma with kasra-yā'.
uw > u D15 Replace trailing ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma and drop sukūn.
iy > i D16 Replace trailing kasra-yā' with kasra and drop sukūn.
ay > a D17 Replace trailing fatḥa-yā' with fatḥa and drop sukūn.
sukūn D18 Remove sukūn from wāw when wāw is preceded by ḍamma.
sukūn D19 Remove sukūn from yā' when yā' is preceded by kasra.
sukūn D20 Insert sukūn after trailing fatḥa-yā'.
sukūn D21 Insert sukūn after wāw in trailing fatḥa-wāw-alif.
sukūn D22 Insert sukūn after yā' in fatḥa-yā'-nūn.
sukūn D23 Insert sukūn after wāw in fatḥa-wāw-nūn.
yā'-alif D24 Replace alif maqṣūra with alif mamdūda in trailing yā'-fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra)
yā'-alif D25 Replace alif maqṣūra with alif mamdūda in trailing yā'-šadda-fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra)
tā' marbūṭa D26 Change suffix to tā' marbūṭa.
aa > ā D27 Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (mamdūda).
hamza D28 Change R3 to hamza.
kasratān D29 Set suffix to kasratān.
yā'-šadda D30 Replace ḍamma-wāw-yā' in root-on-morph.type with kasra-yā'-šadda.
wāw-šadda D31 Replace ḍamma-wāw-wāw in root-on-morph.type with ḍamma-wāw-šadda.
fatḥatān D32 Set suffix to fatḥatān+alif maqsūra.
aR2a/i > ā E1 Replace aR2a/i with long vowel ā if R3 has a vowel.
aR2a > u E2 Replace aR2a with short vowel u if R3 has sukūn.
R2u > ū E3 Replace R2u with long vowel ū if R3 has a vowel.
R2a/i/u > a/i/u E4 Replace R2a/i/u with short vowel a/i/u if R3 has sukūn.
R2a > ā E5 Replace R2a with long vowel ā if R3 has a vowel.
aR2a/i > i E6 Replace aR2a with short vowel i if R3 has sukūn.
R2i > ī E7 Replace R2i with long vowel ī if R3 has a vowel.
aR2a/i > a E8 Replace aR2a/i with short vowel a if R3 has sukūn.
uR2i > ī E9 Replace uR2i with long vowel ī if R3 has a vowel.
uR2i > i E10 Replace uR2i with short vowel i if R3 has a vowel.
aux.vowel E11 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel.
tā' marbūṭa E12 Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa.
R2 > yā' E13 Change R2 to yā'.
R2 > hamza E14 Change R2 to hamza.
ḍamma-wāw E15 Replace wāw-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw if R2=wāw.
kasra-yā' E16 Replace yā'-ḍamma-wāw with kasra-yā' if R2=yā'.
kasra-yā' E17 Change R2-kasra to kasra-yā'.
fatḥa-alif E18 Change R2-fatḥa to fatḥa-alif.
fatḥa-alif E19 Change R2-fatḥa/kasra to fatḥa-alif.
hamza seat F1 Give R1=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules.
Form VIII infix F2 Change R1= hamza and Form VIII infix tā' to tā'-šadda, and drop sukūn on R1.
alif-madda F3 Replace hamza, prefix fatḥa and R1=hamza with alif-madda, and drop sukūn on R1=hamza.
alif-madda F4 Replace R1=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda.
'u' > 'ū F5 Replace prefix vowel u and R1=hamza with long vowel ū.
'i' > ' ī F6 Replace auxiliary vowel i and R1=hamza with long vowel ī.
'u' > 'ū F7 Replace auxiliary vowel u and R1=hamza with long vowel ū.
aux.vowel F8 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1=hamza has a vowel.
R1 dropped F9 Drop R1=hamza for 3 special R1=hamza verbs.
R1 > yā' F10 Replace R1=hamza with yā'.
hamza seat G1 Give R2=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules.
alif-madda G2 Replace R2=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda.
hamza seat H1 Give R3=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules.
alif-madda H2 Replace R3=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda.
tā' marbūṭa H3 Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa.
kasratān H4 Set suffix to kasratān.
R2 dropped K1 Drop R2=hamza.
aux.vowel K2 Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel.
tā' marbūṭa K3 Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa.
tašdīd X1 Replace nūn-nūn with nūn-šadda if R3=nūn and drop sukūn.
tašdīd X2 Replace tā'-tā' with tā'-šadda if R3=tā' and drop sukūn.
hā'-sukūn X3 Add hā'-sukūn to verbal form if length of verbal form is 2.

a u i a + alif an + alif sukūn none
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
none 1 ا ا ا ا
a 2 ا و ى ا ا ا
u 3 و و ى و و و و
i 4 ى ى ى ى ى ى ى
sukūn 5 ا و ى ا - -
alif 6 - و ى - - -
y 7 ى ى ى ى ى ى -
u + w 8 - و ى و - و -
y + sukūn 9 ى ى ى ى ى -