Typology |
Action |
Rule |
Description |
General |
Form VIII infix |
A1 |
Replace R1+infix tā' with R1+šadda if R1 in (tā' , ṯā' , dāl , ṭā' , ẓā). |
General |
Form VIII infix |
A2 |
Replace R1+infix tā' with dāl+šadda if R1 = ḏāl. |
General |
Form VIII infix |
A3 |
Replace infix tā' with dāl if R1 = zāy. |
General |
Form VIII infix |
A4 |
Replace infix tā' with ṭā' if R1 in (ṣād, ḍād). |
General |
Form IX R3 |
J1 |
Separate double R3 with fatḥa if R3 has sukūn. |
General |
Form IX R3 |
J2 |
Separate double R3 with kasra if R3 has sukūn. |
Geminated |
R2,R3 coincide |
C1 |
Let R2 and R3 coincide if both R1 and R3 have a vowel in the morpheme type. |
Geminated |
R2,R3 coincide |
C2 |
Let R2, R3 coincide if R3 has a vowel in the morpheme type. R1 gets the R2 vowel if it has none. |
Geminated |
aux.vowel |
C3 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel. |
Assimilated |
R1 dropped |
B1 |
Drop R1=wāw. |
Assimilated |
Form VIII infix |
B2 |
For R1=wāw replace R1+infix tā' with tā'-šadda and drop sukūn on R1 |
Assimilated |
aux.vowel |
B3 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R2 has a vowel (R1=wāw). |
Assimilated |
iw > ī |
B4 |
Replace auxiliary vowel i and R1=wāw with long vowel ī, and drop sukūn on R1. |
Assimilated |
sukūn |
B5 |
Drop sukūn on R1. |
Assimilated |
uy > ū |
B6 |
Replace auxiliary vowel u and R1=yā' with long vowel ū, and drop sukūn on R1. |
Assimilated |
uy > ū |
B7 |
Replace prefix vowel u and R1=yā' with long vowel ū, and drop sukūn on R1. |
Assimilated |
aux.vowel |
B8 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel (R1=wāw). |
Assimilated |
R1> yā' |
B9 |
Change wāw to yā' and drop sukūn on R1. |
Defective |
R3 > yā' |
D1 |
Change R3=wāw to yā'. |
Defective |
R3 dropped |
D2 |
Drop R3 unless it has sukūn in the morph.type/is followed by ā/is part of iya or uwa. |
Defective |
aat > at |
D3 |
Replace fatḥa-fatḥa-tā' with fatḥa-tā'. |
Defective |
aa > ā |
D4 |
Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (mamdūda). |
Defective |
aa > ā |
D5 |
Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra). |
Defective |
uu > ū |
D6 |
Replace ḍamma-ḍamma with ḍamma-wāw. |
Defective |
aū > aw |
D7 |
Replace fatḥa-ḍamma-wāw with fatḥa-wāw. |
Defective |
uū > ū |
D8 |
Replace ḍamma-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw. |
Defective |
uī > ī |
D9 |
Replace ḍamma-kasra-yā' with kasra-yā'. |
Defective |
au > ā |
D10 |
Replace fatḥa-ḍamma with fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra). |
Defective |
aī > ay |
D11 |
Replace fatḥa-kasra-yā' with fatḥa-yā'. |
Defective |
iū > ū |
D12 |
Replace kasra-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw. |
Defective |
iī > ī |
D13 |
Replace kasra-kasra-yā' with kasra-yā'. |
Defective |
iu > ī |
D14 |
Replace kasra-ḍamma with kasra-yā'. |
Defective |
uw > u |
D15 |
Replace trailing ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma and drop sukūn. |
Defective |
iy > i |
D16 |
Replace trailing kasra-yā' with kasra and drop sukūn. |
Defective |
ay > a |
D17 |
Replace trailing fatḥa-yā' with fatḥa and drop sukūn. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D18 |
Remove sukūn from wāw when wāw is preceded by ḍamma. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D19 |
Remove sukūn from yā' when yā' is preceded by kasra. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D20 |
Insert sukūn after trailing fatḥa-yā'. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D21 |
Insert sukūn after wāw in trailing fatḥa-wāw-alif. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D22 |
Insert sukūn after yā' in fatḥa-yā'-nūn. |
Defective |
sukūn |
D23 |
Insert sukūn after wāw in fatḥa-wāw-nūn. |
Defective |
yā'-alif |
D24 |
Replace alif maqṣūra with alif mamdūda in trailing yā'-fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra) |
Defective |
yā'-alif |
D25 |
Replace alif maqṣūra with alif mamdūda in trailing yā'-šadda-fatḥa-alif (maqṣūra) |
Defective |
tā' marbūṭa |
D26 |
Change suffix to tā' marbūṭa. |
Defective |
aa > ā |
D27 |
Replace fatḥa-fatḥa with fatḥa-alif (mamdūda). |
Defective |
hamza |
D28 |
Change R3 to hamza. |
Defective |
kasratān |
D29 |
Set suffix to kasratān. |
Defective |
yā'-šadda |
D30 |
Replace ḍamma-wāw-yā' in root-on-morph.type with kasra-yā'-šadda. |
Defective |
wāw-šadda |
D31 |
Replace ḍamma-wāw-wāw in root-on-morph.type with ḍamma-wāw-šadda. |
Defective |
fatḥatān |
D32 |
Set suffix to fatḥatān+alif maqsūra. |
Hollow |
aR2a/i > ā |
E1 |
Replace aR2a/i with long vowel ā if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
aR2a > u |
E2 |
Replace aR2a with short vowel u if R3 has sukūn. |
Hollow |
R2u > ū |
E3 |
Replace R2u with long vowel ū if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
R2a/i/u > a/i/u |
E4 |
Replace R2a/i/u with short vowel a/i/u if R3 has sukūn. |
Hollow |
R2a > ā |
E5 |
Replace R2a with long vowel ā if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
aR2a/i > i |
E6 |
Replace aR2a with short vowel i if R3 has sukūn. |
Hollow |
R2i > ī |
E7 |
Replace R2i with long vowel ī if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
aR2a/i > a |
E8 |
Replace aR2a/i with short vowel a if R3 has sukūn. |
Hollow |
uR2i > ī |
E9 |
Replace uR2i with long vowel ī if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
uR2i > i |
E10 |
Replace uR2i with short vowel i if R3 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
aux.vowel |
E11 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel. |
Hollow |
tā' marbūṭa |
E12 |
Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa. |
Hollow |
R2 > yā' |
E13 |
Change R2 to yā'. |
Hollow |
R2 > hamza |
E14 |
Change R2 to hamza. |
Hollow |
ḍamma-wāw |
E15 |
Replace wāw-ḍamma-wāw with ḍamma-wāw if R2=wāw. |
Hollow |
kasra-yā' |
E16 |
Replace yā'-ḍamma-wāw with kasra-yā' if R2=yā'. |
Hollow |
kasra-yā' |
E17 |
Change R2-kasra to kasra-yā'. |
Hollow |
fatḥa-alif |
E18 |
Change R2-fatḥa to fatḥa-alif. |
Hollow |
fatḥa-alif |
E19 |
Change R2-fatḥa/kasra to fatḥa-alif. |
Hamzated |
hamza seat |
F1 |
Give R1=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules. |
Hamzated |
Form VIII infix |
F2 |
Change R1= hamza and Form VIII infix tā' to tā'-šadda, and drop sukūn on R1. |
Hamzated |
alif-madda |
F3 |
Replace hamza, prefix fatḥa and R1=hamza with alif-madda, and drop sukūn on R1=hamza. |
Hamzated |
alif-madda |
F4 |
Replace R1=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda. |
Hamzated |
'u' > 'ū |
F5 |
Replace prefix vowel u and R1=hamza with long vowel ū. |
Hamzated |
'i' > ' ī |
F6 |
Replace auxiliary vowel i and R1=hamza with long vowel ī. |
Hamzated |
'u' > 'ū |
F7 |
Replace auxiliary vowel u and R1=hamza with long vowel ū. |
Hamzated |
aux.vowel |
F8 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1=hamza has a vowel. |
Hamzated |
R1 dropped |
F9 |
Drop R1=hamza for 3 special R1=hamza verbs. |
Hamzated |
R1 > yā' |
F10 |
Replace R1=hamza with yā'. |
Hamzated |
hamza seat |
G1 |
Give R2=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules. |
Hamzated |
alif-madda |
G2 |
Replace R2=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda. |
Hamzated |
hamza seat |
H1 |
Give R3=hamza a seat in accordance with the seat rules. |
Hamzated |
alif-madda |
H2 |
Replace R3=hamza and fatḥa-alif with alif-madda. |
Hamzated |
tā' marbūṭa |
H3 |
Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa. |
Hamzated |
kasratān |
H4 |
Set suffix to kasratān. |
Special |
R2 dropped |
K1 |
Drop R2=hamza. |
Special |
aux.vowel |
K2 |
Drop leading auxiliary vowel if R1 has a vowel. |
Special |
tā' marbūṭa |
K3 |
Set suffix to tā' marbūṭa. |
General |
tašdīd |
X1 |
Replace nūn-nūn with nūn-šadda if R3=nūn and drop sukūn. |
General |
tašdīd |
X2 |
Replace tā'-tā' with tā'-šadda if R3=tā' and drop sukūn. |
General |
hā'-sukūn |
X3 |
Add hā'-sukūn to verbal form if length of verbal form is 2. |